School's Out !! Throw a Princess Movie Party!

It's the last day of school!!  My kids are in a mood of celebration, and we are busy planning our summer fun.  Yesterday, while my 6-year-old princess was coloring at the table, she called out to me to know what the date was.  Of course I was curious as to why, and after some investigation I discovered that she was making personalized invitations to a School's Out - Princess Movie Party to be held at my house.

After laughing a little bit I told her what a good idea it was and helped her set a date and time.  She was making crown invitations for each of her friends, and she created them in a way that the color of the jewel on the front determined what seat you could sit in while watching the movie.  I love her creativity:)

So all of her little friends are going to come over in their princess dresses, eat pink popcorn and watch a princess movie on my husband's large theater screen.  It's a fabulous, fun, easy summer party idea that requires little preparation or time on my part, particularly if she makes all of the invites herself.  Love it!!

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