
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Girl's Style

My girls and I hit the outlet mall today and had fun at Carters and OshKoshBGosh.  It hit me today how much they are starting to develop their own styles and tastes.  One of the more humorous moments for me was when I handed my daughter this adorable top and her response was, "Mom, it is so disgusting that I hiccuped."

Here is an idea for a cute school outfit with a bit of fun, whimsy and color.

Where to buy:



Rosette Ballet Flat (Turquoise) - $20.40
Pom Pom Hair Clips 4-pack - $6


  1. Now my daughter would so love this, that's if the school allowed it. But the uniform is such a boring black trousers, sky blue polo shirt and royal blue sweatshirt. I think it's quite cute.

    hopping over via the bloggy moms august blog hop

  2. So glad my kids don't have to go the uniform route. Although, I guess that way they would match instead of some of the very interesting outfits they put together:)

    Thanks for stopping by. I'll go check yours out now.

  3. @awalkthroughthecountryside, your blog is only open to invited readers so I can't see it. Not sure if you are aware of that or not, but that is the message I am getting. Good luck!
